The Rock City Unique Steppers traveled to Minneapolis, Minnesota on March 16, 2012 to attend J Most and Crew
All Star Bash. It was a super weekend with a Mens Footwork Stepping Contest on Fr night and on Sat night a 50 and over contest
and... a Winner take all contest. Mr B and Debbie from
the Rock City Unique Steppers Contest was contestants in the 50 and over and the winner take all. They did win the first round
in the 50 and over and we are so proud of them. They were Stepper Sharp and did great on the dance. COngratulations to them.
The bus trip was hilarious. Couldn't get any sleep but was fun. The weekend events were super and we really want to thank
J Most for the invitation and tickets to the Womans Appreciation Banquet, that was awesome with Rockfords own Jamecia Bennett